Our Programs
Full Time
Monday–Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM
Daffodil/Daisy (6 wks-1.5 yr)-$190
Lily, Magnolia, Orchid, Petunia, Poppy (1-4 yrs)-$180
Children will be provided a hot lunch and afternoon snack. Each classroom follows a curriculum that is included in the full time program.
Full-Time After School
Monday–Friday; $90/week
Children will be picked up from area schools (Walhalla Elem., Keowee Elem., JMB Elem.) and will take part in homework center. An afternoon snack will be provided.
School Break Program
Monday-Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM; $115/week
Children will attend full time during week-long breaks that SDOC schools are not in session. They must be previously enrolled in the Full-Time After School Program at UCC. Lunch and an afternoon snack will be provided.
Drop-in After School
Full days that school is not in session
$32 / day
Children will be provided a hot lunch and afternoon snack on teacher workdays, student holidays, and during the summer.
Morning Drop Off Program
$9 / day
Children will be dropped off at area schools (Walhalla Elem., Keowee Elem., JMB Elem.). Children must be at UCC by 7:00 AM to participate.